
Hey we're Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

We are the co-authors of the Amazon best seller, The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® and 7 Days of Sex Challenge book. We believe that the healthy combination of sex, love, and commitment is more than the foundation of a strong marriage… it’s the glue that will keep a marriage together. We write, podcast, and coach couples around the world. We have been married since 1996 and have a son and a daughter. We live in San Diego, CA.

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When the kids are away, the parents will play!

There's no two ways about it... launching your kids into the world is emotional! Sure, you might have daydreamed about becoming empty nesters when you were changing diapers or managing meltdowns. But when it finally comes around, helping your kid move out is hard. And the transition will put a unique strain on your marriage if you don't know what to expect. In today's article, we're sharing 5 tips to thrive as a couple during the empty nest transition. Love you guys, Tony & Alisa New Article...

Over the years, we've met many couples in the ONE Family who have been long distance at some point in their marriage. That might look like one or both of you... Traveling a lot for work Being deployed Caring for a relative in another city, state, or country Whether you're apart for a week or a year, physical distance adds a new layer of complexity to staying close and connected with your spouse. In today's article, we're sharing some long distance date ideas to keep your 6 Pillars of...

Earlier this week, we talked about how important it is to continuously explore what touches feel good and meaningful to your spouse. We had asked you in the ONE Family what touches you preferred... One of the top responses was massage: Foot massage Back massage Hand massage Full body massage Touch creates connection. And massage has been one of our favorite ways to build physical intimacy in our marriage. So in today's article, we're sharing our top 5 reasons to add massage cream to your...

There was one Christmas when our kids were little where I (Alisa) went waaaay over budget on gifts. I ignored the nagging feeling that I was overspending... and I didn't tell Tony. But when January rolled around, we sat down to make our budget... and I had to tell Tony that we had about $800 less for the month because I had spent it on presents. If you've ever been in that spot, you can imagine the dread we both felt in that moment. Financial infidelity in any form can be destructive to your...

We are almost halfway through the year... 47% to be precise! How is your marriage doing? As we head into summer, you might already feel run down, overwhelmed, and disconnected. There's no better time to take a deep breath and focus on doing 1 or 2 practical things to strengthen your marriage. Whether you're feeling stuck in a rut or just looking for a little intimacy boost, this week's article has you covered. Love you guys, Tony & Alisa P.S. Today is Alisa's 50th birthday! 🎉🥳 Connect with us...

Last month, we shared a list of 10 prayers for a husband to pray for his wife. (Click here to read it.) Thousands of men accessed that list—and we believe they put it to good use! Now, it's your turn, ladies. Today's article offers 10 quick prayers for your husband, covering topics from his health to career, friendships, and more. Love you guys, Tony & Alisa P.S. Prayer #2 is a great one as we head into Father's Day weekend. New Article Wives, it’s time to ask yourself this question: When was...

Have you seen the recent trend called "Alphabet Dating?" The concept is simple: 1️⃣ Pick a letter of the alphabet (or work in alphabetical order) 2️⃣ Do an activity that starts with that letter! With alphabet dates, the options are truly endless. But the best part is that you can keep moving through the alphabet to avoid getting stuck in a dating rut. Check out this week's article for 78 alphabet date ideas to get you started. Love you guys, Tony & Alisa New Article Spontaneous date nights...

We know how busy life can get, Reader. I mean, we're already at the end of May. 😮 The year is flying by! But when life gets busy, that's all the more reason to prioritize your marriage. In fact, connecting with your spouse every single day is vital. Those daily connections keep your marriage strong and healthy. In today's article, we're sharing 18 ideas for daily connections to help you put this into practice. Check it out! Love you guys, Tony & Alisa New Article What does your daily routine...

Hey there Reader, If we had to guess, we'd say you want a strong, passionate sex life. The good news is that it's 100% possible! Of course, sometimes it's hard to know where to start if things have become a little boring lately... To help you out, we're sharing 27 sex tips to revamp the sexual intimacy in your marriage. Have a fun weekend 😉 Love you guys, Tony & Alisa New Article Whether you've been married for a few years or a few decades, it's easier to spice things up in the bedroom when...

Your phone has a lot of great features. 📲 It can store photos, help you navigate town, keep you connected with loved ones, and so much more. But what happens when your relationship with your smartphone becomes more important than your relationship with your spouse? In today's article, we're discussing the impact of phone addiction on your marriage. We'll also share some practical ways to set tech boundaries and restore intimacy if this has been a struggle for you. Love you guys, Tony & Alisa...